There is a time of the year that I would rather not think about. That has to do with the date April 15'th.When it comes to this date I am a procrastinator. In fact, whenever I hear a commercial for any service related to this I turn the channel. There is something about having to pay for a service that in all logical sense should be free. After all, everyone has to file a "tax return", why should we be charged for something we have to do?
I was over at the local Costco yesterday, when I noticed a buyer standing in line with the latest software for filing. I mentioned to her that she sure was waiting to the last minute to get the TurboTax software.
She said, "At least it is not Friday night!"
I said, "I know the feeling."
Then today, I saw an email alert about
Tax Scams on the Internet. Technology has created a world in which it can be used for "GOOD or BAD"
I decided to do some investigation at the website. By the way, there are IRS impersonators. Some of these may be reputable companies while others may be using it as
Trojan horses in the form of
keystroke monitoring or
keyloggers. Make sure it is the .gov site. On their website they talk about free online services for completing the forms. I have not personally tried any of these so check it out for yourself. There are about 20 different sales alliance companies for free filing.
When it comes to E-Filing, the process of hitting the return key to complete the process still has a certain degree of consumer finality while the actual printing of the completed forms and mailing them in provides an extra means of Insurance that everything is accurate. I still have consumer privacy questions and would want to insure for E-Filing purposes that all information is secure. Suggest reading the privacy policies of not only the IRS site but which ever service is chosen online. It is important to understand and revealing that not all
privacy policies are private.
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