Free Internet Information Repackaged And Sold
Can you believe it! By: James A. Warholic Information that is free is trying to be peddled and sold as special reports... It is one thing to charge for an article when a publisher has given permission. It is something else altogether, Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement when someone else tries to sell an article without expressed permission to sell it by the original publisher. Print Publishers Vs Online Publishers Since the mid 90s when the Internet took off in such a huge way the old-line print publishers went looking for ways to cover their declining market share to the Search Engines. Encyclopedias that were once sold to schools and universities for thousands of dollars had all but become obsolete. Colliers, Britannica, Grolier, Compton, and other reference encyclopedias have had to try and reinvent themselves for the Online publishing world. Internet Business Models For Earning Revenue There are several business models for earning revenue from original manuscripts, technical a...