
Showing posts from May, 2005

Global Marketing

So you want to market and advertise to the world? Understanding the cultures of the different targeted countries is important when marketing and advertising globally. Remember all those cultural classes that seemed so boring in high school and college? Well, those classes are more important today then what anyone would have thought of at the time. Even when marketing and advertising with-in a country it is important to take in consideration the targeted audience. Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, and Web Branding Solutions for B2B and B2C Websites. Take a look at colors for example. In some cultures an advertisement in a certain color can have a positive affect while in another country it will be a turn off. In fact, colors can have various mood settings in the different cultures. For instance, the color blue may be viewed as masculine or "the color of cool" in the US while having the meaning of: virtue, faith, and truth in Egypt, villainy in...