
Showing posts from January, 2005

Search Engine Ethics Effect on Internet Marketing

How the ethics of search engines affect Internet marketing. Copyright or site privacy policy information. Various search engines are cropping up all over the Internet. Quite a large number of these are referred to as meta search engine robots. In effect these companies do not actually search the web and catalog individual websites but search engine robots scarf the information from other search engines and then group and display that information together as if it is their own result. These same companies make money off the advertising that is displayed on their websites. I find this extremely interesting from a legal as well as ethical standpoint. One of the main items that really is at the heart of the matter is the copying of information that is copyright protect from most websites. Even the search engines themselves have copyright protections in place from their own websites. There are regulations to follow for individual websites for copyright protection but these same r...

Marketing on the Internet

Marketing on the Internet is becoming increasingly more technical and complex as time goes on. Internet Marketing Results Everyone wants the same thing, or should I say that everyone wants a top position in the search engine results pages (SERP) for their key words without doing any work. The number of pages cataloged in the search engines has doubled in the past year. Now that might seem like a great thing for the searcher, but it might not be such a positive for companies that are trying to be found in the market place. How can a company overcome the web barrier? How can you get your company website found on Google , Yahoo! , MSN , or the hundreds of other searches popping up? Marketing On The Internet Provide a niche. If you have a product or service that is unique then highlight your area of expertise . If you are in a very competitive market place, consider what it is that sets your company apart from the competition and really stress those marketing points. Do not be ...