Marketing And Online Advertising Messages

In today's online cynical email times, sometimes the marketing, advertising, and Email messages portrayed seem, too good to be true.

Evaluating the website messages to new prospects on the Internet requires continually asking the branding questions: What does this do to my brand? Does it add a plus, minus, or a brand neutral to the overall internet marketing message?

Most B2B and B2C companies need to attract new customers in order to profit for the long haul. Capturing leads certainly is an important part of the process. Many times this requires building a trust relationship before someone will commit to providing an email address especially in the B2C world where most consumer email boxes are being filled with junk, unsolicited email spam, and fraud scams on a daily basis.

Internet Marketing and Advertising Messages Too Good To Be True

"Be number one on Google."
"We guarantee placing your website at the top of the search engine results."

Both of those implied Internet marketing statements are blatantly false. Becoming number one on any search engine results pages involves hundreds of factors. A few of the algorithm factors are content, titles, meta tag descriptions, number and quality of websites that link to your site, anchor text links (actual words seen as the hypertext), internal site linking, external linking to other websites, keyword and key phrase densities, plus a whole slew of writing variables involving sentence structure, syntax, capitalization, bold and italized text, headings, use of graphics, quotes, grammar style, and even spelling.

There are many other outside and inside variables involved in attaining the number one position for a search term or keyword phrase. Many of the outside variables involve comparisons to the other websites in each specific keyword category. Determining factors involve number of pages, website theme or themes, use of the keywords throughout the websites, plus other factors. This is all done by search algorithms; which take site A and compare it to site B & C, then crunch the numbers and produce the results. The algorithms are constantly updated in order to try to provide the best possible results for the searcher.

This was a tangent thought because of the continual email bombardment of outlandish promises that are outright lies or are at the very least involve ethical issues and are legally deceptive in their claims of becoming number one on the search engines. See: Internet advertising scam

Your Internet Marketing Message

Consider closely the marketing message you want to portray. If a message seems to good to be true, even if totally true, then it might be smart to evaluate where this marketing message is placed on the website. Maybe it is wise to not have it glare down onto a person viewing the website for the first time. People can lose trust very quickly with a new website if the message seems to good to be true. Consider having a link to a page that can explain the offer in detail. This would provide an added source and an extra degree of credibility.

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