20/20 Business Vision
Let The World See Your Business In 20/20 Internet Vision By: James Warholic Not everyone sees the world the same way. In a story from NewsObserver.com , Dennis Rogers writes, Don't Let Politics Blind You. This is a fascinating article because I can relate to it with both Eyes. It really is not so much about politics as it is about our children not being able to see at an early age. Though the metaphors are very appropriate to political life where our politicians are blind to what is going on around them. The pictures are also appropriate to the online B2B and B2C, Business-to-business and Business-to-consumer world. As the story unfolds, Dennis, in his first five years of grade school was literally a blur. Goes through the classes being fearful that the teacher was going to call on him to solve a math problem on the blackboard in which he could not even see the problem that needed solved. He finally had a teacher in the fifth grade figure out that he was not a dumb student but one ...