
Showing posts from November, 2005

Hitting The Internet Nail On-the-Head

Clogging Up The Relevant Online World By: James A. Warholic In a relevant article published online at the Canadian Technology Human Resource Board, Bureau canadien des ressources humaines in technologie, Do Online Business Ethics Exist? By: Niall Roche, the author hits the internet nail on-the-head. Much of the information currently found online is nothing more then chewed up, spit out, copyright infringed, and general lack of business ethics; where websites even make a mockery of the legal system by cheating and selling copyright protected works to other individuals for use in student term papers and other works that are falsely being passed off as original content. The following excerpt is from the article @ CTHRB.CA : In the world of online busines [business] something has gone wrong. Something has gone badly wrong. In the pursuit of wealth and success business ethics have not so much fallen by the wayside as been torn up, stomped on and burned to ash. Where some loose form of rul...